VanderChatS Art Revised (3168x792)

What are VanderChats?

VanderChats are virtual spaces for you to learn all about VCM, visit with faculty, and pick up some tips on applying and auditioning for our college. Find out if VCM is the place for you to earn your college degree while meeting our family during these sessions. We hope to see you on ZOOM!

Upcoming VanderChat

11_2_2021 - VanderChat_ Women in Music Education (2048x1024)
Join us as we sit down with four of Chicago’s greatest teachers and musicians in an intimate discussion on their music journeys, business knowledge, and more featuring panelists from VanderCook College of Music, Dr. Leah Schuman, Manju Durairaj, Dr. Yvonne Davila-Cortes, and Angela Presutti.
This event is a must for any woman who is interested in pursuing a career in music education.